National consultant emergency health, buea, cameroon, sbc section

Non specifié Bafoussam - Bamenda - Bertoua - Buéa - Douala - Ebolowa - Garoua - Maroua - Ngaoundéré - Yaoundé
Date limite de l'offre: mercredi 29 mars 2023 02:01
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Description du poste

Poste proposé : National Consultant Emergency Health, Buea, Cameroon, SBC Section

National Consultant Emergency Health, Buea, Cameroon, SBC section, 11 months
How can you make a difference?
Under the supervision of the Chief of the BUEA ZONAL Office, and in close collaboration with the Health Section, the Emergency Health Specialist will have primary responsibility for ensuring the implementation and monitoring of the emergency Health response in the North-West and South-West regions.
Task and Responsibility
Coordination, both internal and external

  • Participate in UNICEF technical coordination meetings at the centralized (Yaoundé, when applicable) and decentralized levels (North-West and South-West regions if applicable);
  • Ensure that key information (e.g. strategic and emerging issues, needs) is shared in a timely and concise manner with the Field Operations and Health Departments, as well as with all other relevant departments (e.g. Protection and WASH departments);
  • Participate and represent UNICEF in the decentralized coordination of Health fora (e.g. governmental fora, Health Se tor group meetings, OCHA meetings); By humanitarian principles and UNICEF's mandate, ensure that UNICEF health emergency programs are well-known by all the stakeholders in the North-West and South-West regions
  • Coordinate response in both regions, northwest and southwest regions


  • Ensure that Partnerships with civil-society organizations are developed, reviewed, finalized, and followed up (including budget and expenditure monitoring).
  • Provide technical support to UNICEF implementing partners and NGOs in developing and implementing the Health emergency response
  • Monitor partnerships implementation and reporting by objectives and deliverables set out in the agreements.
  • Provide technical assistance to NGOs and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in the implementation of their activities
  • Document activities being implemented with the support of the Partnership, Advocacy, and Communication
  • Implementation of strategies, reporting in line with the CCC
  • Provide key high-impact health interventions for mother, newborn, and child which are
  • Protection of children aged 0 - 15 years both boys and girls against measles and vaccine-preventable diseases for routine immunization.
  • Protection of Pregnant women and newborns is against maternal and neonatal tetanus through the Tetanus diphtheria vaccine.
  • Ensuring that children under five are treated for the three-main killer in children: diarrhea with ORS and zinc, malaria with ACTs after diagnosis with a Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT), pneumonia with amoxicillin
  • Protection of pregnant women, mothers, and their children against malaria
  • Provide weekly updates on the humanitarian response activities in the Southwest and North-West regions, and other reports as requested (Weekly, monthly sit reps, donors’, bulletin reports…)
Profil recherché pour le poste : National Consultant Emergency Health, Buea, Cameroon, SBC Section

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • Master's degree in Public Health, social sciences, or related subject areas
  • A working minimum experience of 5 years of experience of progressive experience at operational or intermediary levels of the health system
  • Recognized abilities to organize and implement training strategic planning, situation analysis, documentation, monitoring, supervision, evaluation of health interventions, research
  • Proven skills in communication and social behavior change, networking, advocacy, and negotiation.
  • Experience and competencies in emergency and humanitarian responses in difficult and security-compromised settings is an advantage
  • Working with a UN agency and/or other relevant actors, on programming in Health in Emergencies is an added value
  • Fluency in French and English is required
  • Given the security and working context, we strongly recommend candidates from the Northwest or Southwest region

Note: Candidates should ensure to:

  • Attached a cover letter – highlighting their suitability and experience for the job
  • CV or P11 form
  • Indicate their ability, availability, and rate (monthly) expressed in US$ to undertake the terms of reference.

For every Child, you demonstrate…

Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : National Consultant Emergency Health, Buea, Cameroon, SBC Section
Métier :
Métiers de la santé et du social
Secteur d´activité :
Activités associatives
Services autres
Services collectifs et sociaux, services à la personne
Type de contrat :
Région :
Bafoussam - Bamenda - Bertoua - Buéa - Douala - Ebolowa - Garoua - Maroua - Ngaoundéré - Yaoundé
Niveau d'expérience :
Expérience entre 5 ans et 10 ans
Niveau d'études :
Bac+5 et plus
Nombre de poste(s) : 1
Soyez vigilant ! N'envoyez pas d'argent à un employeur potentiel. Ne versez aucune somme d'argent en échange d'un contrat de travail potentiel ou pour suivre une formation préalable à l'embauche.
Merci de signaler toute irrégularité en utilisant le formulaire de contact candidat et en sélectionnant l'objet "Signaler une annonce d'emploi".

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