Main objective | Missions and Responsibilities: - Conduct protection monitoring activities at household and community level using various quantitative and qualitative methods and tools.
- Identify key informants within the community to involve in regular protection monitoring activities through individual interviews.
- Facilitate Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) amongst community members on protection to better understand the protection issues affecting the communities.
- In coordination with the team leader, identify Focal points within the community and liaise with them to collect information on population movements and protection incidents within their areas of intervention; implement a functional flash alert mechanism between Focal Points and the Field Monitors.
- Train Focal Points, local authorities and protection committees on general protection, CP, SGBV, Human Rights, Humanitarian Principles and other topics that maybe identified.
- Monitor and report protection incidents and trends, population movements and produce Maps on the zones of displacement and intervention within their field locations.
- Identify individual cases with protection concerns during protection monitoring and outreach activities and liaise with the social worker to deliberate on the appropriate intervention.
- Verify the information collected through direct observation and triangulation from different sources.
- Support the Team Leader in developing weekly report.
- Map out and regularly update service providers within the field locations highlighting the gaps to support advocacy through the protection cluster.
- Carry out all tasks respecting key protection principles including but not limited to: - do no harm, non-discrimination, confidentiality, accountability and need-to-know principles.
- Actively participate in community awareness activities.
- Verify and register flash alerts reports identified within their field locations and share in a timely manner with the Field Coordinator, and the team leader.
- Establish and maintain a good relationship respecting and guided by humanitarian. principles with local, administrative, customary and community leaders in his/her area.
- Participate actively in the weekly meetings.
- Any other task that may be assigned by the supervisor.