Social media intern – douala

Non specifié Akwa, Douala, Littoral, Cameroon
Date limite de l'offre: mardi 1 octobre 2024 05:30

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Description du poste

We are looking for a social media intern
Digital Black Business is a digital marketing company that provides :
  • Digital marketing strategies for brands.
  • Social media management.
  • Paid advertising campaigns.
We seek someone eager to learn, loves social media, and can create top-notch content for the brand.
Period: 6 hours/day, Monday-Thursday.
Location: Douala, Ngondi Akwa.
Salary: Transportation fees.
Compétences / Exigences / Qualités
In 3rd or 4th year of a college graduate program or beyond in marketing, digital marketing e-commerce or any related field.
Profil du candidat
Documents de candidature
» Curriculum Vitae
NOTE: LES ARNAQUEURS SONT DE PLUS EN PLUS ASTUCIEUX! N'envoyez jamais de l'argent à un inconnu au cours d'un recrutement quelle que soit la raison! Et Si vous devriez le faire, que ce soit à vos PROPRES RISQUES!
Instructions de candidature
Send CV+ cover letter to the following address: [email protected].

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