Tax research expert - pretoria

Non specifié International
Date limite de l'offre: mardi 13 août 2024 14:47
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Poste proposé : Tax Research Expert - Pretoria

The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) has received financing from the African Development Fund toward the cost of the Regional Institutional Support Project for Public Financial Governance – Phase II (RISPFG) and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this Grant to payments under the contract for Tax Research Expert.
The services included under this project are support in the development of appropriate research products for influencing tax policy and administration issues for ATAF member countries, conducting  economic impact assessment of selected tax policy measures to drive appropriate responses and documenting of case studies and methodologies for guiding ATAF technical services.

Profil recherché pour le poste : Tax Research Expert - Pretoria

The Individual expert is expected to have among others the following qualifications and key competencies:

  1. Education: A Master’s degree in taxation, law, public policy and/or business and economics or a related field. A PhD (ongoing or completed) will be an added advantage.
  2. Professional Experience: A minimum of 7 years of demonstrated experience working in research and policy-oriented programs focusing on taxation and related technical issues including evidence of research activity and published and presented research.
  3. Technical Expertise: An ideal candidate should hold extensive knowledge of tax regulations, policies, and practices in at least one jurisdiction on the African continent and international tax principles and practices. This should include the following:
    1. Possess sufficient knowledge on empirical and policy research methods and techniques.
    2. Excellent experience with review and interpretation on tax laws and standards to identify practical and actionable issues for the African continent.
    3. Good level of understanding and interpretation of tax treaties and their interaction with domestic law.
    4. Demonstrated understanding of tax administration issues including the integration of systems, data use and management and the use of technology to establish efficiency.
    5. Ability to communicate and simplify material of a specialist or highly technical nature for consumption by policy and administration officials.
    6. Ability to manage research and administrative activities.
  4. Analytical Skills: Strong analytical skills to be able to understand complex tax issues, identify tax research opportunities, and develop effective solutions to tax problems is an advantage.
  5. Research Skills: Alongside evidence of published and presented research, ability to:
    1.  Manage research and administrative deadlines and requirements.
    2. Collaborate and liaise with colleagues and member countries to deliver research, collect case studies/data, and carry out validation workshops.
    3. Prepare analytic work, guidelines, tools, and data that support ATAF’s regional and global engagement on a variety of tax policy issues.
    4. Carry out quality review and support to ATAF’s analytical and operational work.
    5. Support knowledge management on tax policy and administration issues.
  6. Communication Skills: An ideal candidate should possess excellent communication skills, including the ability to communicate complex tax issues to non-experts in a clear and concise manner.
  7. Interpersonal Skills: An ideal candidate should be able to work collaboratively with a range of stakeholders, including tax authorities, government officials, and other professionals. Strong interpersonal skills are essential for building relationships and negotiating effective tax solutions.
  8. Language Skills: A strong working knowledge of English is a requirement, and the ability to communicate in French and/or Portuguese is an advantage.

Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Tax Research Expert - Pretoria

  • Métier : Métiers des services
  • Secteur d´activité : Services autres
  • Type de contrat : CDD
  • Région : International
  • Ville : Pretoria
  • Niveau d'expérience : Expérience entre 5 ans et 10 ans - Expérience > 10 ans
  • Niveau d'études : Bac+4 - Bac+5 et plus
  • Nombre de poste(s) : 1
  • Support
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