English telemarketer

Non specifié Yaoundé
Date limite de l'offre: lundi 27 février 2023 10:01
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Description du poste

Poste proposé : English Telemarketer

Given the work we do, many customers are increasingly trusting our company. Come and be part of the adventure, join our team and benefit from rewarding compensation and a pleasant working environment.

Profil recherché pour le poste : English Telemarketer

With a higher education Bac to Bac+2 minimum or equivalent experience, you ideally have experience in customer relations as a teleconsultant which has enabled you to acquire and develop the following skills :

  • Excellent level of speech and elocution
  • Very good writing skills
  • Sense of service and customer satisfaction developed
  • Stress management and emotional mastery in the context of the management of difficult customers
  • Ability to adapt and work in a team
  • Open-mindedness and strength of proposal
  • Time and priority management
  • Culture of results
  • Mastery of the Office package and ideally a CRM.

Assignment :

  • Within the group's Customer Relations Center (thirty employees) attached to a supervisor, you intervene on the requests of our tenant customers (Telephone, email, Web)
  • The Customer Relations Center is a springboard to careers in Customer Relations.

Do you want to pursue a career within a dynamic group ? This position is for you !

Your main tasks are :

  • Welcome the customer, understand his request and reformulate it by knowing how to adapt your speech to his situation
  • Deal with the commercial and/or technical requests of our customers by providing an appropriate response in conjunction with the field teams
  • Ensure optimal processing quality in compliance with telemarketing rules
  • Efficiently handle the various calls by optimizing their duration in order to regulate call flows
  • Provide information on IT tools in accordance with established procedures
  • Identify and report any anomaly
  • Report to the Supervisor any malfunction or relevant remark from customers
  • Ensure that your knowledge is maintained following the evolution of the company's processes and operating methods
  • Submit suggestions for improvement to the Supervisor
  • You may also be required to mentor new employees.
Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : English Telemarketer
Métier :
Télémarketing, téléassistance
Secteur d´activité :
Centres d´appel, hotline, call center
Type de contrat :
Région :
Ville : Yaoundé
Niveau d'expérience :
Débutant < 2 ans
Niveau d'études :
Langues exigées :
anglaisbon niveau
Nombre de poste(s) : 20
Soyez vigilant ! N'envoyez pas d'argent à un employeur potentiel. Ne versez aucune somme d'argent en échange d'un contrat de travail potentiel ou pour suivre une formation préalable à l'embauche.
Merci de signaler toute irrégularité en utilisant le formulaire de contact candidat et en sélectionnant l'objet "Signaler une annonce d'emploi".

Besoin d'aide ? Appelé

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