Intern software engineer - remote

Non specifié International
Date limite de l'offre: lundi 19 août 2024 14:17
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Description du poste

Détails de l'annonce

Poste proposé : Intern Software Engineer - Remote

We are looking for a Generalist Software Engineer who will assist us with design, development and installation of software solutions. Your duties will include development, writing code, and documenting functionality.
You should be able to build high-quality, innovative and fully performing software in compliance with coding standards and technical design.

  • Organize full lifecycle software development
  • Prepare specifications and determine operational feasibility
  • Write well designed, testable, efficient code
  • Prepare software verification plans and quality assurance procedures
  • Organize documenting and maintenance of software functionality
  • Integrate software components into a fully functional software system
  • Evaluate and deploy software tools, processes and metrics
  • Provide support and consulting on software systems usage
  • Ensure compliance with project plans and industry standards.

Profil recherché pour le poste : Intern Software Engineer - Remote


  • 1+ years' experience of working on a Computer Software Engineer or Software Developer
  • Significant experience in developing web applications using at least one popular web framework, such as React, Next, or Qwick
  • Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL, NoSQL and ORM technologies
  • Good experience in designing interactive applications and with test-driven development
  • Good knowledge to develop software in javascript, Dart, Java or other selected languages
  • Experience in documenting requirements and specifications
  • Close familiarity with software engineering tools, software development methodology and release processes
  • Good English communication skill.

Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Intern Software Engineer - Remote

  • Métier : Informatique, nouvelles technologies
  • Secteur d´activité : Informatique, SSII, Internet
  • Type de contrat : Stage
  • Région : International
  • Ville : Remote
  • Travail à distance : Oui
  • Niveau d'expérience : Expérience entre 2 ans et 5 ans - Expérience entre 5 ans et 10 ans - Expérience > 10 ans
  • Niveau d'études : Bac - Bac+1 - Bac+2 - Bac+3 - Bac+4 - Bac+5 et plus
  • Langues exigées : anglais > bon niveau
  • Nombre de poste(s) : 2
  • Salaire proposé : < 150 000 FCFA
  • Management d'équipe : Oui
  • Golang
  • Express.Js
  • SQL
  • JAVA
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Merci de signaler toute irrégularité en utilisant le formulaire de contact candidat et en sélectionnant l'objet "Signaler une annonce d'emploi".

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