
Non specifié Cameroun
Date limite de l'offre: dimanche 5 janvier 2025 00:00

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Pour ne jamais manquer une opportunité, suivez-nous sur Telegram et contactez-nous directement via WhatsApp pour rechercher des offres d'emploi.

Description du poste

Major Responsibilities/ Responsabilités principales
• Fleet management/ Gestion de la flotte automobile
• Stock Follow-up/ Suivi des stocks
• Inventory/ Inventaire
• Filing/ Archivage
Knowledge, Skills and Experience/ exigences du poste
• 1 years’ work experience as a Logistics Assistant/ 1 an d’expérience de travail en tant qu’assistant
• Good knowledge of administrative processes and Microsoft Office software’s/Bonne connaissance
des processus administratifs et des logiciels Microsoft Office

• All job offers will be conditional on obtaining at least two satisfactory professional references.
• INSO will ask applicants about significant gaps in employment history or frequent changes of employer
and address.
• All essential qualifications and relevant professional certifications and memberships will be verified.
• The successful candidate will be required to provide a valid identification document (passport, identity
• All new hires will receive an orientation to the INSO Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and associated
documents (Code of Conduct, Whistle-blower, etc.).
• All new hires will be required to sign and abide by the Code of Conduct as a condition of employment.
Submission of applications/ Comment postuler? (Read carefully/ Lire attentivement)
Complete the following link: https://shorturl.at/aAuS0
And Applications (letter of motivation, detailed CV, references of at least 3 persons) must be sent to the e-mail
address “[email protected] » with the mention of the subject of the e-mail

« Daily worker Logistic BAM/12/2024 » for the position of Logistic Bamenda; « Daily worker Logistic
BUE/12/2024″ for the position of Logistic Buea;  » Daily worker Logistic MAR/12/2024″ for the position
of Logistic Maroua;  » Daily worker Logistic YAO/12/2024″ for the position of Logistic Yaoundé

Deadline for applications : 05/01/2025 at 23:45’.
NB: Please note that applications will be processed spontaneously after receipt, only shortlisted candidates will
be contacted. Due to the volume of applications, we receive, we are not able to give feedback to all candidates.

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